Sections from cecum 22 days after IP injection of a 2 day-old HD pup with 5 × 104 hPAP+ eNCSCs. All sections are oriented with the mucosa at the top of the photo. Sections were labeled immunohistochemically for hPAP (A, D, G and J), HuC/D (B and E), or S-100B (H and K). Co-labeling is illustrated in panels C, F, I and L. Long arrows indicate isolated exogenously-derived neurons and exogenous-derived neurons participating in ganglia of the myenteric plexus with endogenous neurons. Thin blue arrows demonstrate hPAP+ between myenteric ganglia and the longitudinal muscle layer, a location consistent with the germinal niche. Wide arrows indicate exogenously derived glia in the region of the submucosal plexus. Bar = 200 μm.