Fig. 2.
Tnik knockdown affects network phenotypes. (a) Raster plots of network firing recorded on DIV 7 in an untransfected and Tnik knockdown culture showing 2 min of activity across all active electrodes. Each horizontal row represents one electrode on the MEA and each tic-mark represents a spike detected by the electrode. Closely packed tics, such as those that are boxed represent bursts. (b) Percentage of spikes in bursts (Burst Spikes) is increased while the burst rate is reduced in cultures transfected with siRNAs targeting Tnik as represented by the red bars. Additionally, the burst pattern parameter is reduced and the correlation index is increased, both indicative of increased synchrony in network bursting. Untransfected and NTC treated cultures are shown in blue and green bars respectively, while Tnik knockdowns are plotted in red. Mean data are plotted (±SEM). The data were analyzed by ANOVA and Fisher's PLSD post-hoc tests. *p < 0.05 and **p < 0.01.