Figure 7.
TEFM interacts with C-terminal, catalytic part of POLRMT. (A) Schematic representation of the myc-tagged POLRMT constructs used to map the interaction with TEFM in comparison with the T7 phage RNA polymerase (T7RNAP). The N-terminal extension present in the POLRMT (dark gray) is missing in the T7RNAP. f.l., full-length. (B) Western blot of the control pull-down experiment with mock (left) and the full-length POLRMT (right) transfected HEK cells that inducibly express TEFM.STREP2. The blot was incubated with the antibodies indicated to the right. T, total cell lysate; P, pulled-down material. The asterisk indicates a non-specific band. (C) Western blot of the pull-down experiment with the POLRMT lacking the N-terminal extension (POLRMT MTS-768-1230, left) or the C-terminal catalytic part (POLRMT 1-801, right) with TEFM.STREP2. The asterisk indicates a non-specific band.