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. 2010 Oct 21;5(4):613–626. doi: 10.1038/ismej.2010.153

Table 1. Bacterial strains and plasmids used in this study.

Strain or plasmid Relevant genotype Source or reference
Bacterial strains
Escherichia coli    
  DH5α λpir Φ80dlacZΔM15 Δ(lacZYA-argF) U196 recA1 hsdR17 deoR thi-l supE44 gyrA96 relA1/ëpir Miller and Mekalanos (1988)
  WM3064 ThrB1004 pro thi rpsL hsdS lacZΔM15 RP4-1360 Δ(araBAD)567 ΔdapA1341::[erm pir(wt)] W Metacalf, University of Illinois, Urbana
Shewanella oneidensis    
  MR-1 Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 wild type Venkateswaran et al. (1999)
  S198 MR-1, tagged with eGfp in a mini-Tn7 construct, Cmr This work
  S176 MR-1, tagged with Cfp in a mini-Tn7 construct, Cmr This work
  S199 MR-1, tagged with Yfp in a mini-Tn7 construct, Cmr This work
  S1407 MR-1 ΔMuSo1, deletion of gene cluster SO0641–SO0685 This work
  S1412 MR-1 ΔMuSo1, tagged with eGfp in a mini-Tn7 construct, Cmr This work
  S1381 MR-1 ΔMuSo2, deletion of gene cluster SO2651–SO2704 This work
  S1392 MR-1 ΔMuSo2, tagged with eGfp in a mini-Tn7 construct, Cmr This work
  S1387 MR-1 ΔLambdaSo, deletion of gene cluster SO2939–SO3013 This work
  S1393 MR-1 ΔLambdaSo, tagged with eGfp in a mini-Tn7 construct, Cmr This work
  S1421 MR-1 ΔLambdaSo ΔMuSo1 This work
  S1426 MR-1 ΔLambdaSo ΔMuSo2 This work
  S1422 MR-1 ΔMuSo1 ΔMuSo2 This work
  S1419 MR-1 ΔLambdaSo ΔMuSo2 ΔMuSo1 This work
  S1461 MR-1 ΔlambdaSo ΔMuSo2 ΔMuSo1, tagged with eGfp in a mini-Tn7 construct, Cmr This work
  pNTPS-138-R6K Ori-R6K sacB, suicide plasmid for generating in-frame deletions, Kmr Lassak et al. (2010)
  pNTPS-R6K-dMu1 Fragment for in-frame deletion of the gene region SO0641–SO0685 in pNTPS-R6K This work
  pNTPS-R6K-dMu2 Fragment for in-frame deletion of the gene region SO2651–SO2704 in pNTPS-R6K This work
  pNTPS-R6K-dlambda Fragment for in-frame deletion of the gene region SO2939–SO3013 in pNTPS-R6K This work
  pME6031 repA oriVpVS1 oriVp15A oriT, Tcr, broad-host-range plasmid Heeb et al. (2000)
  pME6031-Pmot-lacZ motAB promoter fused to lacZ, Tcr This work
  pUC18-R6KT-miniTn7T ori-R6K, Tn7 recognition sites, Apr Choi et al. (2005)
  pTNS2 ori-R6K; encodes the TnsABC+D specific transposition pathway, Apr Choi et al. (2005)
  pBK-miniTn7-gfp3 ori-ColE1, gfp3, Apr, Cmr, Gmr Lambertsen et al. (2005)
  miniTn7(Gm)PA1/04//03-eyfp-a ori-ColE1, eyfp, Apr, Cmr, Gmr Lambertsen et al. (2005)
  miniTn7(Gm)PA1/04//03-ecfp-a ori-ColE1, ecfp, Apr, Cmr, Gmr Lambertsen et al. (2005)
  pUC18-R6KT-miniTn7T-egfp NotI-egfp-Cmr-NotI fragment from pBK-miniTn7-gfp3 in pUC18-R6KT-miniTn7T This work
  pUC18-R6KT-miniTn7T-ecfp NotI-ecfp-Cmr-NotI fragment from miniTn7(Gm)PA1/04//03-ecfp-a in pUC18-R6KT-miniTn7T This work
  pUC18-R6KT-miniTn7T-eyfp NotI-eyfp-Cmr-NotI fragment from miniTn7(Gm)PA1/04//03-eyfp-a in pUC18-R6KT-miniTn7T This work
  pASK-IBA3plus expression vector, Apr, Strep-TagII epitope IBA GmbH, Göttingen, Germany
  pASK-SO_2963 SO_2963 in pASK-IBA3plus This work
  pASK-SO_2685 SO_2685 in pASK-IBA3plus This work

Apr, ampicillin resistance; Cmr, chloramphenicol resistance; Gmr, gentamicin resistance; Tcr, tetracyclin resistance.