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. 2011 Summer;10(2):199–208. doi: 10.1187/cbe.11-01-0005

Table 2.

Survey instrument

1. Beliefs about science research—Please indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements.
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Science research is important to humanity. O O O O O
Everyone should experience science research. O O O O O
Only people with advanced degrees can do science research. O O O O O
The work of scientists has little effect on the lives of other people. O O O O O
Most problems can be solved with science research. O O O O O
Humans depend on science research in their everyday lives. O O O O O
Anyone can do science research. O O O O O
Most science is applicable to everyday life. O O O O O
2. Attitudes about science research—Please indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements.
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
I would like to become a scientist. O O O O O
I would enjoy working with other people in a research setting. O O O O O
I enjoy my science classes. O O O O O
Doing science research is boring work. O O O O O
I like interacting with science professors. O O O O O
I prefer to work alone. O O O O O
I like talking about science with others. O O O O O
I would be unhappy in a career as a scientist. O O O O O
Doing science research is exciting. O O O O O
I enjoy exploring questions for which there is no clear answer. O O O O O
3. Accessibility and self-efficacy—Please indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements.
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Any student can participate in undergraduate research in science. O O O O O
The process of finding a research mentor was simple. O O O O O
Information on undergraduate science research at the University of Georgia is easily accessible. O O O O O
Applying to do undergraduate research was time consuming. O O O O O
I am confident in my ability to do undergraduate research in science. O O O O O
I am well prepared to do undergraduate research in science. O O O O O
I am capable of conducting undergraduate research in science. O O O O O
There are barriers for some students to do undergraduate research in science. O O O O O
I was not sure whether my research mentor would want to work with me. O O O O O
I have the knowledge and skills required to do research. O O O O O
4. Motivations and social factors—Please indicate the extent to which you agree with each of the following factors influencing your decisions regarding participation in undergraduate research in science.
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Parental influence O O O O O
Interest in science O O O O O
Desire to go to graduate school or professional school (med, vet, dental, pharmacy) O O O O O
Desire to learn more about science O O O O O
Influence of friends O O O O O
Exploring the possibility of a future in science research O O O O O
Influence of academic advisor O O O O O
Influence of K–12 teacher O O O O O
Influence of college professor O O O O O
Enjoyment of science O O O O O
Earning course credita O O O O O
Earning moneya O O O O O
Getting a good letter of recommendationa O O O O O
Improving my resumea O O O O O
Getting into graduate or professional schoola O O O O O
5. Demographic information
a. Are you female or male?
b. Have you ever done undergraduate research in science? If so, please explain the context and duration of your research.
i. No
ii. Yes
c. What is your academic major?
d. Which of the following describe your race (you may choose more than one)?
i. Black
ii. White
iii. Asian or Pacific Islander
iv. Latino or Hispanic
v. Native American
vi. Other (please specify)
e. What is your GPA?
i. Less than 2.5
ii. 2.5–2.99
iii. 3.0–3.49
iv. 3.5–4.0
f. What do you plan to do after graduating from the University of Georgia?
i. Graduate school—science
ii. Graduate school—nonscience
iii. Medical school
iv. Veterinary school
v. Pharmacy school
vi. Dental school
vii. Nursing school
viii. Job—science related
ix. Job—not science related
x. Not sure
xi. Other (please specify)
g. If you are willing, please provide your email address for possible follow-up interviews. You may discontinue your participation in this study at any time.

aNot included in quantitative analysis