Separation anxiety disorder |
catastrophic thoughts and/or recurrent bad dreams about being kidnapped, lost, or harm befalling parents if separated
reluctance or refusal to be separated from parents
abdominal pain, chest pain, headaches, nausea or vomiting prior to or upon separation; older children/adolescents may experience panic attacks when separated
Generalized anxiety disorder |
mild/occasional worries about grades, health, world events, etc.
child can be easily consoled/distracted when worried
worries are not in excess of what most same-age peers experience
worry is excessive and difficult to control (e.g., constant worrying about grades even when child has straight As)
in some cases child may be described as perfectionistic by adults
trouble sleeping, restlessness, irritability, trouble concentrating, or muscle tension are present when worrying
Social anxiety disorder |
excessive fears of being judged negatively or embarrassed in social situations (e.g., when the center of attention, with adults, when meeting new people)
child may attempt to avoid such situations (e.g., refusal to go to school or extracurricular activities, skipping class when a presentation is scheduled)
physical symptoms such as flushing or tremor, especially upon exposure to social cues, may be observed
Panic disorder w/or w/o agoraphobia |
unexpected panic attacks which include symptoms like rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, trembling or shaking, dizziness, lightheadedness, and gastrointestinal discomfort
persistent fear of having future attacks or catastrophic thoughts about the consequences of future attacks (e.g., heart attack)
avoidance of situations in which panic or panic-like sensations are anticipated (e.g., avoidance of exercise/sports)
Obsessive compulsive disorder |
mild obsessive thoughts without compulsions (e.g., occasional “germ-phobic” thoughts that are not associated with excessive hand-washing or cleaning)
child can easily be distracted from these thoughts/behaviors
thoughts and behaviors are not time-consuming
obsessions are persistent and may be distressing to the child
child feels driven to perform repetitive or ritualistic behaviors (compulsions)
physical evidence of compulsions may be present (e.g., dry, cracked hands due to excessive washing)
Specific phobia |
mild fear reaction to a particular object or situation (e.g., briefly clinging to parent when confronted with a friend’s pet dog)
child very rarely encounters the feared situation and has no need to (e.g., fear of heights when in a tall building, but lives in a rural area with few or no tall buildings)
child does not go out of her way to avoid the situation
fear significantly impacts the child’s life or family function (e.g., family trips avoided due to child’s fear of flying; necessary medical evaluations or treatment delayed due to child’s fear of needles)
strong affective and behavioral reactions, which may include a panic attack, upon exposure to the feared stimulus (e.g., shaking, crying and hyperventilating at the doctor’s office when a vaccination is imminent)