Figure 8.
Par6 regulates lineage morphology in DALv2 and BLD5. Mosaic analysis with a repressible cell marker (MARCM) par6 loss-of-function (LOF) clones were generated at first instar and visualized in the adult via the period-GAL4 and atonal-GAL4 drivers. (A) Par6 LOF clone in the DALv2 lineage visualized with the period-GAL4 driver. Note ectopic proximal projections (arrow) compared with the stereotyped morphology (see Figure 4C). (B,C) Par6 LOF clone in the BLD5 lineage showing (B) an increase of proximal neurite projections into the ipsilateral medulla and (C) increased distal axons projecting into the contralateral medulla of the optic lobe. (D) A comparison of the average number of axons projecting into the contralateral optic medulla in each genotype is shown. Scale bar: 25 μm