Figure 6.
Interaction network of differentially expressed miRNAs and their candidate targets. A. Workflow of interaction network analysis. Network construction can be divided into two components: miRNA-target interactions and target-target interactions. For miRNA-target interactions, candidate miRNA targets were predicted by TargetScan. Differentially expressed candidate targets were identified using mRNA microarrays that covered embryonic days 10, 12, 14 and 18. The final miRNA-target relations correspond to those mRNAs differentially expressed between broiler and layer that exhibited a pattern of expression opposite to that of the corresponding miRNAs. Target-target interaction pairs were extracted from the STRING database. A pairwise PCC was then calculated for each pair based on transcription profiles during skeletal muscle development to extract putative target-target interactions. B. The final integrated network. In the network, miRNAs are represented by yellow nodes and targets are represented by pink nodes. Blue lines denote miRNA-target interactions and red lines denote target-target interactions.