Fig. 1.
Sensitivity of N-state 15N chemical shifts and Rex relaxation rates to changes in pH. (A) Magnitude of 15N chemical shift changes between pH 5.9 and 4.95, color-coded to highlight His (red); residues contacting His (orange); and residues contacting the disordered F helix, FG loop, and N-terminal region of helix G (blue); other residues are colored green. The solid black rectangles at the top of the figure depict helices in apoMb based on a TALOS+ (30) analysis of , 15N, 13CO,
, and
chemical shifts (6), whereas the boundaries of the F, G, and H helices in holoMb are shown as open rectangles. (B) 15N Rex (at a static magnetic field of 11.7 T) of deuterated apoMb at 35 °C; pH 5.9 (blue), pH 4.9 (red). Rex was estimated from the difference in R2eff at the lowest and highest 1/τcp values. The green squares on the horizontal axis indicate contact sites with helix F in holoMb, and the circles identify His residues. Yellow squares indicate the N-terminal region of helix G.