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. 2011 May 20;25(5):477–489. doi: 10.1007/s10822-011-9433-1

Table 6.

eHiTs performance with de novo solvent placement

PDB ID W top posea RMSD (Å) W+ top poseb RMSD (Å) W best pose ranka (RMSD (Å)) W+ best pose rankb (RMSD (Å)) W correct posesa in top 50 W+ correct posesb in top 50 W correct posesa in top 10 W+ correct posesb in top 10
1DBO 3.14 4.58 13 (1.67) 4 (1.46) 3 4 2 2
1OJN 5.79 6.83 41 (1.32) 46 (1.51) 4 8 3 5
1RWH 9.35 1.99 19 (2.56) 42 (1.68) 2 4 0 1
1G5N 10.97 5.71 38 (5.68) 43 (4.53) 0 0 0 0
1T8U 11.25 3.27 50 (4.91) 37 (2.92) 0 6 0 2
3E7J 11.47 1.65 18 (2.02) 8 (0.89) 1 9 0 8
2HYU 11.00 4.99 41 (6.62) 49 (3.31) 0 3 0 1
2BRS 7.74 5.42 4 (2.07) 28 (2.05) 5 4 3 1
1BFB 11.53 7.15 50 (5.57) 30 (5.55) 0 0 0 0
3IN9_1 6.43 5.57 44 (4.37) 48 (4.22) 0 0 0 0
3IN9_2 5.47 7.59 32 (2.98) 27 (4.15) 1 0 0 0
Mean 8.55 ± 2.98 4.97 ± 1.98 32 (3.61 ± 1.87) 33 (2.93 ± 1.53) 1.5 3.5 0.7 1.8

aDocking runs without explicit solvent

bDocking runs with explicit solvent