Figure 6.
Ceramide alters primary motoneuron axonal pathfinding in zebrafish embryos. (A) Schematic diagram of a lateral view of zebrafish trunk region showing ventral CaP (blue) and dorsal MiP (red) axonal trajectories. Anterior is to the left, dorsal is toward the top. (B) Top; image of a 30 hpf DMSO-exposed, NBT transgenic zebrafish. GFP positive CaP axons are easily detected as they project to the periphery. Middle; image of a ceramide-exposed, NBT zebrafish. White arrows denote stunted axons where the CaP axons split into 2 branches. (C) Top; 30 hpf DMSO control embryo stained with the antibody znp1 to detect CaP axon. Middle and Bottom: Ceramide exposure caused a stunt in CaP axons (black arrow) and also resulted in CaP axons projecting straight out to the periphery (black arrowhead). (D) Left: Magnified image of one segment from a DMSO exposed control embryo in the region of the yolk sac extension. Black arrows denote the MiP axon, which innervates the dorsal periphery. Right: Image of 30 hpf, ceramide-exposed embryos. The white arrow points to an ectopic branch projecting off the MiP axon. (E) Another example of a 30 hpf embryo exposed to ceramide. Bottom: Cartoon depicts the primary motoneuron axonal trajectories for the embryo at the top. Scale bar = 20 µm in B, C, D and E.