The extent of amino acid divergence (% amino acid difference) for each mt protein coding gene between U. imbecillis and U. peninsularis (Uimb/Upen), U. imbecillis and U. peggyae (Uimb/Upeg), U. peninsularis and U. peggyae (Upen/Upeg), and among species of the subfamilies Ambleminae (i.e., H. cumingii, L. ornata, Q. quadrula, T. parvum, V. ellipsiformis), and Anodontinae (i.e., C. plicata, L. compressa, Pygadodon grandis, U. imbecillis, U. peninsularis, U. peggyae).*F-ORF/H-ORF comparisons. (H-ORF protein sequences have been excluded from the analyses of Ambleminae and Anodontinae).