Figure 4.
Purification of Kal7 from striatum and cortex. A. Flow chart summarizes the steps that were taken in purifying, digesting and analyzing Kal7 from adult mouse brain. B. The specificity and efficacy of Kal7 monoclonal antibody 20D8 was validated by varying the amount of antibody used to recover Kal7 from 0.5 mg of cortical protein and comparing the amount recovered to the input; the beads themselves created no background staining. C. After immunoprecipitation, an aliquot of the unbound fraction was analyzed (Unbd.); it contained no detectable Kal7, demonstrating effective recovery of Kal7 from the lysate. D. A representative silver stained gel of Kal7 immunoprecipitated from cortex revealed a single 190kDa band, which was excised from the gel and subjected to analysis.