Effects of the KD and R6/2 1J transgene on body weight in males. In both panels, the vertical arrow/line indicates the first time point at which transgenic mice significantly differed from WT mice; subsequent time points were also significant (* p<.05). KD feeding delayed the onset of weight loss by 2.0 wk (black bar). WT data beyond 14 wk is illustrated but was not analyzed. At week 4, n = 15–17 per group. Number of transgenic mice at the last illustrated time points = 4–10 due to deaths. CD genotype effect F=669.6, p<.001; genotype-x-time effect F=39.5, p<.001. KD genotype effect F=57.0, p<.001; genotype-x-time effect F=7.8, p<.001.