Table 1.
Method Used | Pathway Databases available for use | Requires original dataset | LD correction | Gene Size Correction | Study designs allowed | Reference |
PARIS | any | No | genomic randomization | yes | any | Yaspan, 2010 |
SRT | any | Yes | case-control status randomization | yes | case-control§ | O’Doulishaine, 2009 |
EVA | any | Dependent on correction (LD) | done prior to EVA analysis | Done prior to EVA analysis | any | Askland, 2009 |
ProxyGeneLD | any | No | Bonferroni-type based # SNPs typed in areas of LD and LE | yes | any | Hong, 2009 |
ALIGATOR | GO | No | none (assumes LD = across pathways) | yes | any | Holmans, 2009 |
Modified GSEA | GO, KEGG | Yes | case-control status randomization | yes | case-control§ | Wang, 2007 |
modifiable for use with family-based datasets by using non-transmitted alleles to create pseudo-controls