Table 2.
Sequence of D18S58 Alleles
Sample | Sequence |
Published sequence | (AT)3GCGCGCGCGCG-------(AC)18 |
1 stable allele | (AT)3GCGCGCGCGCGC------(AC)16 |
1 varying allele | (AT)3GCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCgc(AC)17–18a |
2 stable allele | (AT)3GCGCGCGCGCGC------(AC)20 |
2 varying allele | (AT)3GCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGC(AC)18 |
3 stable allele | (AT)3GCGCGCGCGCGC------(AC)18 |
3 varying allele | (AT)3GCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGC(AC)18b |
The sequence of the stable and variable-mobility alleles of the three individuals whose alleles were sequenced are shown and compared with the previously determined sequence of D18S58. Lowercase letters denote uncertainty in the sequence. One consistent difference was found between all six of the alleles sequenced and the published sequence: The published sequence has G(CG)5, whereas in all of the alleles sequenced here a C follows the last CG dinucleotide [i.e., G(CG)≥5C]. The last C may have been unreadable in the original sequence, due to compression. For five of the six alleles sequenced, a minimum of four independent clones were sequenced.
Due to variation in the number of repeats in the sequenced clones of this allele, the allele length is uncertain but most likely is 155 bp.
For one allele in sample 3, only one clone was obtained and sequenced.