Figure 8.
ooDSGCs project to the vLGN and the pretectal system. A, BD-RGC axons (green) arborize in the vLGN. A′, Merge of CTB (red) and BD-RGC (green) axons. B, DRD4-RGC axons (green) arborize in the vLGN. B′, Merge of CTB (red) and DRD4-RGC (green) axons. C, BD-RGC axons (green) project to the MTN. Blue, fluorescent Nissl stain. D, DRD4-RGC axons (green) are not present in the MTN. D′, Merge of DRD4-RGC (green) and CTB (red) axons in the MTN. Blue, Fluorescent Nissl stain. E, BD-RGC axons (green) arborize in the nucleus of the optic tract (NOT; arrowhead). CTB (red) labels the optic tract and the nucleus. F, DRD4 axons (green) are absent from the NOT (arrowhead), labeled with CTB (red). Scale bars: A–E, 200 μm.