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. 2011 Mar 29;10(6):M110.002386. doi: 10.1074/mcp.M110.002386

Table I. Interaction lists and confidence.

(A) Interacting proteins for FLW bait with FlyMine validation. n = number of times observed, cs = confidence score, PP = Protein Probability score (from MASCOT), d = putative direct interaction, i = indirect interaction, F_1/2 = FLAG experiment 1 or 2, S = Strep, Y2H = yeast 2-hybrid, FP = fragment pooling approach, PS = phenotypic suppression, PE = phenotypic enhancement, PD = pulldown, AC = Affinity Capture, CoIP = anti-tag coimmunoprecipitation. Confidence scores derived from Supplementary Fig. S3. Upper row in bold identifies the bait, bold grey highlighted are direct interactions or proteins validated by two independent methods and grey highlighted are those validated by one method. Italicised are potential contaminants. *plus ID codes 12134149, 12750335, 14605208, 15575970, 15710747, 17007873, 9230081.

Uniprot ID Gene name Description n cs PP mean F1 F2 S1 S2 Experimental evidence d/i PubMed ID
Q8T0U6 flw Serine/threonine protein phosphatase 4 1.00 601.8 1 1 1 1
Q9VUX6 Mbs CG32156-PA 4 1.00 337.5 1 1 1 1 Y2H-FP, FB d 15710747
Q9VBD6 CG5471 CG5471-PA 3 0.80 97.3 1 0 1 1 Y2H i 14605208
Q8IM86 unc-13 CG2999-PB 3 0.80 76.0 0 1 1 1 Y2H i 14605208
P28668 Aats-glupro Bifunctional aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase 3 0.80 57.7 0 1 1 1
Q8SXP0 CG8709 GH19076p 3 0.80 46.7 0 1 1 1 Y2H i 14605208
Q94883 Dref CG5838-PA 3 0.80 35.7 0 1 1 1
P05661–19 Mhc Myosin Heavy Chain-PF 2 0.50 244.0 1 0 0 1 Y2H-FP i 15710747
P12982 Pp1–87B Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase α-2 isoform 2 0.50 127.5 1 0 1 0 CoIP, PE, PS, Y2H, Y2H-FP d 11514446, 11729158*
Q9VMT8 CG33715 Muscle specific protein 2 0.50 124.0 0 1 0 1
Q9VLT5 poe Protein purity of essence 2 0.50 105.0 0 1 0 1
Q9VB44 CG3339 CG3339-PA 2 0.50 102.5 0 1 0 1
Q27331 Vha68–2 Vacuolar ATP synthase catalytic subunit A isoform 2 2 0.50 97.0 0 1 0 1
Q9VBE2 CG5468 CG5468-PA 2 0.50 90.5 0 1 1 0 Y2H i 14605208
Q9VNE0 CG2926 CG2926-PA 2 0.50 80.5 0 1 0 1 Y2H-FP i 15710747
Q9W2Z4 CG2990 CG2990-PA 2 0.50 77.5 0 1 0 1
Q9W2Z3 CG2989 CG2989-PA 2 0.50 76.0 0 1 0 1
Q9W053 zormin CG33484-PA 2 0.50 72.5 0 1 0 1 Y2H, Y2H-FP i 14605208, 15710747
Q8I8U7 Nipped-A Transcription-associated protein 1 2 0.50 72.5 0 1 0 1 Y2H FP, AC-western i 15710747, 12697829
Q9VZQ3 kst CG12008-PA 2 0.50 70.5 0 1 0 1 Y2H, Y2H-FP i 14605208, 15710747
(B) Summary of interacting proteins from the other selected baits and validation analysis using FlyMine. Lists of interacting proteins for the remaining proteins are in supplementary Tables S4a-f.[1]. *after removal of negative controls (W-), ¶ based on FlyMine and DroID, + after removal of single IDs. No's in parentheses indicate proteins found >10% of contaminants lists.
Bait No. of hits*
Published Interactors
Validated Interactors+
Total Score≥ 0.75 Score>0.2-<0.75 Score≤ 0.2 Total (inc. genetic) Affinity method % Direct (with bait) Direct (all) Orthologs (direct bait) Indirect (with bait)
FLW 460 7(2) 49(11) 405 55 1 44 8 81 2 37
SGG 843 12(1) 83(7) 748 31 1 48 0 18 5 0
RTNL1 166 1 3(1) 162 10 0 50 0 1 0 7
FAS2(A) 209 1(1) 4(1) 204 16 2 64 1 30 0 9
FAS2(B) 583 11(7) 46(13) 526 16 2 69 1 124 0 19
SEMA-1A 129 3(3) 26(10) 100 7 0 56 0 12 0 6
DP 28 0 0 28(16) 2 0 12 0 1 0 0
PKA-R2 63 1 15 47 8 0 50 2 11 6 1
fl(2)d 29 0 5 24 20 3 68 2 2 0 2
ATPsyn-β 91 6 12 73 25 0 81 1 12 20 12
CAM 84 0 2 82 32 0 38 0 6 1 9
GS2 78 1 18 59 1 0 71 0 15 12 1
NOTCH 315 0 6 309 183 1 64 3 54 7 63
BEL 43 0 2 41 0 0 57 0 6 15 0
HHS Vulnerability Disclosure