Figure 6.
Effect of sequential and simultaneous addition of the PKC activator PMA and BzATP on [Ca2+]i in lacrimal gland acini. Time-dependent increase in [Ca2+]i induced by stimulation of lacrimal gland acini with PMA (10−6 M; first arrow) followed by BzATP (10−4 M; second arrow) or the reverse. Traces from four experiments (A). Mean change in peak [Ca2+]i from four experiments (B). Values are mean ± SEM. Time-dependent increase in [Ca2+]i induced by the stimulation of lacrimal gland acini with PMA (10−6 M), BzATP (10−4 M), or the two added simultaneously. Calculated [Ca2+]i response of the two agonists added simultaneously (C, D). Traces from three experiments (C). Mean change in peak [Ca2+]i from three experiments (D). Values are mean ± SEM. Arrow: time of carbachol addition. *Significant difference from no addition. n.s., no significant difference.