Figure 7. CDDO-EA and CDDO-TFEA treatment cause translocation of Nrf2 from the cytoplasm to the nucleus in motor neurons in the spinal cords of ALS mice.
G93A SOD1 mice were fed food containing CDDO-EA or CDDO-TFEA (400 mg/kg) for 10 days. Non-transgenic controls and G93A controls were fed control food. Spinal cord sections were prepared and stained with anti-Nrf2. Non-transgenic control spinal cord sections were weakly stained with anti-Nrf2 in the cytoplasm. G93A control spinal cord sections show mild Nrf2 staining. Larger motor neurons show Nrf2 only in the cytoplasm, while some smaller neurons/glial cells show nuclear staining. G93A mice treated with CDDO-EA or CDDO-TFEA produced strong nuclear staining for Nrf2 (n=5 per group). Arrows point to the nucleus (lightly stained in controls and darkly stained in CDDO-EA or CDDO-TFEA panels).