Figure 6.
Complete physical map of the Lgn1 region in the C57BL/6J haplotype identifies five complete Naip genes and one 5′ truncated Naip locus. A physical map is indicated that has been constructed by ordering the clones and loci based on marker content of D13Die7, D13Die25, D13Die35, and D13Die36 (Fig. 5B–E) and several indicated single-copy markers (data not shown; Table 1). Naip gene content was determined by amplification with D13Die31 (Fig. 4A), D13Die32, D13Die33, and D13Die30 (data not shown), as well as Southern blot analysis with Naip exon 3 and Naip exon 11 (Fig. 5). Distal mouse chromosome 13 is indicated by a single horizontal line at the bottom. Genomic clones are indicated by the named horizontal lines. The relative positions of two sequenced 129 BAC clones, 149m19 (AF131205) and 26f17 (AF242431, AF242432) , are indicated with bold horizontal lines. Colored arrows indicate the position and orientation of genes present in the interval. Single-copy marker content is indicated by black circles. Markers within Naip loci are indicated with colored circles. Naip exon 3 and Naip exon 11 loci are indicated by colored circles with black trim. D13Die7 is indicated with filled colored triangles. The position of the single-copy D13Die30 is indicated with black squares. The map is drawn approximately to scale, based on genomic sequence and estimated sizes of C57BL/6J BAC clones. The direction of transcription of Ocln is unknown. The 3′ portion of Tfnr has not been mapped and is indicated with a dashed arrow. RFLP data suggests that C57BL/6J Naip6 has elements of 129 Naip6 and Naip7 (data not shown). Because microsatellite marker data and sequence analysis suggests that these two loci are very similar (Growney et al. 2000; Endrizzi et al. 2000), we designated this locus Naip6 to simplify nomenclature. Accordingly, we have designated specific loci of repeat markers to be consistent with their relative position in the 129 haplotype (for example, D13Die25; see Methods).