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. 2011 May 26;2011:158712. doi: 10.4061/2011/158712

Table 1.

Clinicocytological details of the cases of pure neuritic leprosy.

C/N Cl/f Site of FNA Cytological details
cellul Ner frag Sch cells L M Epi cell Gr Casnecr AFB
1 26/M Num, Rt com per ++ + + ++ ++ + ++
2 32/M Sens def Rt uln + + + ++ ++ ++
3 45/F Pain, pares Lt med ++ ++ ++ +++ ++ ++ ++
4 24/M pain Rt uln ++ ++ ++ +++ + +++ +++
5 42/M pain Lt sup per ++ ++ ++ +++ + +++ +++

C/N, Case Number; M, Male; F, Female; Cl/f, Clinical feature; Num, Numbness; Sens def, Sensory deficiency; pares, paresthesia; fna, fine needle aspiration; Rt, Right; Lt, Left; com per, common peroneal; uln, ulnar; med, median; sup per, superficial peroneal; cellul, cellularity; Ner frag, Nerve fragment; Sch, Schwann; L, Lymphocytes; M, Macrophages; Epi, Epithelioid; Gr, Granuloma; Cas necr, Caseous necrosis; AFB, Acid Fast Bacilli; (Cellularity: +, moderate, ++, good); (Nerve fragments and other cells: +, present; ++, moderate in number; +++; numerous); (AFB: ++, many).