Fig 1. Hyrax/HRPT2 is essential for normal larval development in Drosophila and is upstream of the cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein (CPEB) homolog Orb2.
The morphology of second instar larvae were compared between hyxEY6898 homozygous and heterozygous mutants and wild type flies by stereomicroscopy (A–C) and hematoxylin and eosin histological staining (D). Shown in D., left to right, are longitudinal sections of hyxEY6898 homozygous and heterozygous mutants and w1118 larvae. The transcript levels of hyx/HRPT2 were measured by qRT-PCR in both hyxEY6898 homozygous second instar larvae (E) and heterozygous adult (F) flies. Rescue of the hyxEY6898 homozygous lethal phenotype was performed with an actin promoter-controlled GAL4 driven overexpression of the hyx/HRPT2 gene from the hyxEY6898 allele (G–H). For comparison, results with the hyxdEY2 excision mutant are also shown (H). Expression of the orb2 gene in hyxEY6898 homozygous larvae and heterozygous adult flies (I–J) and adult orb2BG02373 heterozygous and homozygous flies (K–L), and hyx/HRPT2 gene expression in orb2BG02373 homozygous mutant flies (M) was quantified by qRT-PCR. For morphology experiments, at least 50 second instar larvae were examined for each genotype. All qRT-PCR data were from at least 9 data points comprising at least three independent biological repeats.