Granulocytic inflammation in the skin of Sharpincpdm mice. (a, b): Alpha smooth muscle active was overexpressed in the skin blood vessel of mutant mice (a), compared to that of control (b). (c, d): Toluidine blue staining demonstrated increased infiltration of mast cells in the dermis of mutant mice (c). A few of mast cells present in the skin of healthy mice (d). (e, f): Increased T cells (Green, CD3e+) migrate into the skin lesion of mutant mice, among which some are helper T cells (double positive, CD3e+CD45RB+) (e). A few CD3e+T cells (Green), but no CD45RB+ T cells were detected in the normal control (f). (g)–(l): Gr-1+ granulocytes were clustered in the mutant skin (g), compared a few in normal skin for physiological demands (h). Transmission electron microscopy found most granulocytes are eosinophils (i), with moderate mast cells (j) and few neutrophils (k) although neutrophils had huge increase in peripheral blood (l).