Figure 5.
Lack of cross talk between D1-like receptors and Gal2 receptors on ERK1/2 phosphorylation in transfected cells. a, b, Cells were cotransfected with the cDNA corresponding to D5 (1.5 μg) and Gal2 (2 μg) receptors (a) or to D1 (1 μg) and Gal2 (2 μg) receptors (b). Cells were treated for 5 min with the indicated concentrations of galanin in the absence (circles) or in the presence (triangles) of 50 nm (a) or 70 nm (b) of SKF 81297. The immunoreactive bands from four independent experiments were quantified and the values represent the mean ± SEM of phosphorylation (arbitrary units) minus the basal levels found in untreated cells.