Figure 4.
Fold expression of luciferase activity. 293 T cells were cotransfected with pGL 3-ASP, pGL 3-ASPdel, or pGL 3-Basic and pRL-TK. For each experiment, cells were plated into nine wells. Three wells at a time were independently transfected in parallel with three individually prepared aliquots of each of the three constructs in calcium phosphate. The relative activity with each pGL 3 plasmid was calculated by dividing the luminescence intensity of the firefly luciferase by that of the Renilla luciferase in each independent aliquot of cells and then averaging the three relative luciferase activities seen. The fold expression for pGL 3-ASP or pGL 3-ASPdel was then determined by dividing the average relative activity of each construct by that of the average obtained with pGL 3-Basic. Data shown here are the averages +1 SEM of three independent experiments performed on three separate days.