Figure 9.
The direct comparison between period 3 and period 1. (A) All the connectivity that showed higher correlations in period 3 in comparison with period 1 (p < 0.005). All the connectivity results were overlaid in a single figure. The bold lines indicate the connectivity that connects the frontal and temporal channels (four pairs in each hemisphere). (B) Individual data of temporal correlations normalized to z scores. The scatter plots show mean z scores in the four pairs indicated by the bold lines in each hemisphere in (A). The blue, red, and green circles indicate individual data of z scores during periods 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The black circles indicate mean values in each period. (C) The magnitudes of squared coherence between the frontal and temporal channels. We calculated the squared coherence of oxy-Hb signals between the four pairs in each hemisphere, shown in (A). The four values for each frequency were averaged for each infant. The blue, red, and green lines indicate the mean values in periods 1, 2, and 3, respectively (error bar: the SE). Data below 1 Hz were presented in each period. The abscissa and ordinate show the frequency in a log scale and the magnitude of squared coherence, respectively.