Figure 1.
A vagal intramuscular array or IMA. In the center of the figure, a tracing of a complete terminal arbor in circular muscle of the corpus is presented in monochrome. The parent neurite enters from the left, courses to the terminal field, loops, and then arborizes repeatedly to produce the afferent array. Panels A through F are photomicrographs of the afferent that was traced (taken at the locations delineated by boxes on the tracing) illustrating the finer details of the terminal array of the IMA. To highlight the structure of the arbor, this specimen was prepared by processing the whole mount for the dextran label, but omitting any double-labeling. In Panel C, Photoshop was used to remove a distracting piece of DAB artifact. Scale bars: Tracing panel: 250 μm; Panel A: 20 μm; Panel D: 20 μm, applies to B, C and D; Panel E: 10 μm; Panel F: 20 μm.