Analysis of AMH effects on DARPP-32 signaling post TBI. A, representative western blot of ipsilateral striatum following 2 weeks of 10 mg/kg i.p. AMH on p-DARPP-32-Thr34, p-DARPP-32-Thr75, and β-actin control. B, C, optical density of p-DARPP-32-Thr34 and p-DARPP-32-Thr75. (N = 6/group; p < 0.01 following normalization to β-actin compared to TBI with vehicle; ANOVA). Data represented as a percentage of sham following normalization to β-actin ± S.E.M. D, Effect of chronic AMH (10 mg/kg i.p. daily) on striatal PP-1 activity. Consistent with higher p-DARPP-32-Thr34 levels, following chronic AMH administration there is a relative reduction in PP-1 activity compared to TBI with vehicle. (N = 6/group; p < 0.01; ANOVA). Data represents means ± standard deviation. Abbreviations: AMH = amantadine hydrochloride, DARPP-32 = dopamine and cAMP regulated phosphoprotein 32; TBI = traumatic brain injury.