Table 4.
Time to Most Recent Common Ancestor (TMRCA) and Ages of the Deepest Mutations in the psGBA Phylogeny
Mutation and TMRCA | Age, constant population | SD, constant population | Age, exponential population growth | SD, exponential population growth |
TMRCA | 199,000 | 58,600 | 91,000 | 17,000 |
3968 | 163,800 | 48,400 | 81,600 | 13,900 |
4274 | 99,460 | 67,500 | 44,800 | 24,400 |
2253 | 95,000 | 32,700 | 58,000 | 11,400 |
4938 | 74,400 | 26,600 | 49,900 | 10,100 |
2266 | 74,000 | 28,300 | 53,200 | 12,000 |
Times have been computed under constant population size and exponential growth models. Ages are given in years and have been calculated with a generation time of 20 yr, a population size of 7330 individuals under the constant population model, and a population size of 14,170 individuals under the exponential population growth model.