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. 2011 May 28;3(5):125–134. doi: 10.4329/wjr.v3.i5.125

Table 2.

Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging appearance of bone tumors of the maxillofacial region

Incidence Computed tomography Magnetic resonance imaging
Osteoma 5th-6th decade Compact: dense sclerotic Compact: signal void
Cancellous: mixed densities Cancellous: low to absent signal
Sharp, well defined lesion attached by a broad base or pedicle to the bone
Osteoid osteoma 2nd-3rd decade Radio lucent nidus (< 1.5 cm) surrounded by dense sclerosis Non specific signal intensity with patchy enhancement
Osteoblastoma 2nd decade Expansile lesion with cortical shell Non specific signal intensity
May mixed or sclerotic lesion
Chondroblastoma More than 30 yr Lytic lesion with central calcifications and peripheral thin cortical shell Signal void regions of calcification
Chondromyxoid fibroma 2nd-3rd decade Well-demarcated expansile lesion with multiple foci of calcification Signal void regions of calcification
Chondroma Less than 50 yr Small polypoid mass with few discrete areas of calcifications Non specific appearance
Osteochondroma 2nd-4th decade Mushroom shaped bony outgrowth with calcified cartilagenous cap Hypointense bony outgrowth with hyperintense cartilaginous cap
Fibrous dysplasia 1st-2nd decade Ground glass appearance (56%), sclerotic (23%) Variable signal intensity depends upon amount of fibrous and sclerotic regions
Lytic with sclerotic margins (21%)
Giant cell tumor 3rd-4th decade Expansile mass that tends to destroy and remodel the adjacent bone Low signal on all sequences
Aneurysmal bone cyst 2nd decade Lytic expansile lesion with multi-locular "soap bubble" (honey comb) and may fluid–fluid levels Fluid fluid level with septal enhancement
Hemangioma 2nd decade Sunburst or spoke wheel pattern of radiating trabeculae Stippled appearance with intense enhancement
Meningioma 4th decade Osteoblastic or mixed sclerotic lesion Low signal on all sequences with intense enhancement
Osteosarcoma 3rd decade Commonly sclerotic lesion with calcified matrix and sunburst periosteal reaction or it may be mixed or lytic lesion Signal void of calcification and new bone formation with heterogeneous contrast enhancement
Chondrosarcoma 4th-5th decade Bony destructive lesion with multiple punctate and stippled calcifications T2WI: hyperintense areas (chondroid) and hypointense areas (calcified). Curvilinear enhancement
Ewing sarcoma 1st-2nd decade Destructive aggressive mass with mottled lucent areas and sclerosis and onion peal periosteal reaction Non specific signal intensity with inhomogeneous enhancement
Fibrosarcoma 3rd-6th decade Destructive bony lesion, frequently associated with extra osseous soft tissue mass Low to intermediate signal intensity with inhomogeneous enhancement
Hemangio-endothelioma 2nd decade Multifocal lytic lesion or dense sclerotic lesion Tubular signal void structures with intense enhancement
Chordoma 4th decade Hypodense mass with irregular intratumoral calcifications (30%-50%) with bone destruction Mixed signal intensity with inhomogeneous enhancement
Lymphoma 4th-7th decade Lytic, sclerotic or mixed lesions that may be associated with soft tissue mass Non specific magnetic resonance imaging appearance
Plasmacytoma 4th-7th decade Well defined bony expansile lesion with intense enhancement Low SI on T1-weighted images, high on T2-weighted images with intense enhancement
Metastasis All ages Radiolucent lesion with cortical destruction. May sclerotic or mixed lytic and sclerotic Non specific magnetic resonance imaging appearance

SI: Signal intensity