Figure 5.
Gene expression (A) and immunohistochemical staining (B–E) of glutathione S-transferase mu isoform (GSTμ) in the airways of filtered air (B and D) or DFP exposed (C and E) neonatal (B and C) or adult rats (D and E). Basally, FA adults had significantly greater GSTμ gene expression in microdissected airways than 7 day old FA neonates (A). Following DFP exposure, GSTμ gene expression remained unchanged in neonates and trended downwards in DFP exposed adults, but was not statistically significant (P=0.07). Gene expression of GSTμ was calculated using the comparative Ct method and displayed as a mean fold difference ± SEM (n=3–5 rats/group) compared against FA 7 day postnatal animals using HPRT as the reference gene. † = P <0.05, as compared to FA 7 day postnatal controls. Immunohistochemical staining for GSTμ protein indicates a similar pattern compared with gene expression data. GSTμ protein was diffusely localized to the terminal bronchiolar airway epithelium in both FA (B) and DFP exposed (C) 7 day old neonates with a few cells containing more abundant staining (arrows). In contrast, cells with increased GSTμ protein immunolocalization were more abundant in FA adult rats (D) and the number of cells with abundant GST μ protein was decreased in adult animals after DFP exposure (E). Scale bar in E for B, C, D and E is 50μm.