(A) Labeling of Homer1b/c (red) and gephyrin (blue) in neurons incubated for 5 min with b-Aβo (500 nM). b-Aβo were labeled with streptavidin (green). Bar: 2 μm.
(B) Quantification of colocalization between b-Aβo and Homer or gephyrin normalized to the relative proportion of each kind of synapse (mean ± SEM; t test, ***p < 0.0001; n = 13 neurites).
(C) Detail of the square indicated in (A) showing in separate channels the immunoreactivity of Homer (arrows) and Gephyrin (triangles) and the labeling of b-Aβo (top panels). Bottom panels show merge images of b-Aβo and Homer (left) or Gephyrin (right) and the triple merging (center). Bar: 1 μm.