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. 2011 Apr 6;20(Suppl 2):330–335. doi: 10.1007/s00586-011-1783-9

Table 1.

Cases of intradural extramedullary spinal inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor

Age/sex Location Physical examination Time to diagnosis (months) MRI characteristics Treatment Postoperative neurological state Recurrent (R)/multicentric (M) Follow-up (months)
T1 T1 Gado T2
Eimoto et al. [5] 37/M C4–C5 Spinal cord compression 12 NA NA NA GTR + radiotherapy No deficit No 9
Mirra et al. [10] 39/F C7 Spinal cord compression NA NA NA NA GTR Improvement until recurrence R 36
Hsiang et al. [6] 57/M T3, T12–L3, falx cerebri Radicular pain and spinal cord compression 6 NA + NA GTR No deficit R and M 84 (7 years)
Hsieh et al. [7] 37/M T5, T12–L1 Back pain and spinal cord compression 6 Hypo NA NA GTR No deficit M 14
Lacoste-Collin et al. [9] 22/F T9 then diffuse Back pain and spinal cord compression 3 Iso + Iso-hypo Sub-total resection Slow recovery R and M 24
Brandsma et al. [4] 33/F C6–C7, cranial nerves Radicular pain and spinal cord compression NA NA NA NA Surgery No improvement M NA
Jeon et al. [8] 60/F Lumbar spine Back pain NA NA NA NA GTR NA No NA
Boutarbouch et al. [3] 30/F C4–T2 Spinal cord compression 2 Iso NA Hypo GTR Progressive recovery No 6
Yoon et al. [11] 56/F L5 Low back pain 48 Iso + Iso GTR + interbody fusion No pain, toe paresthesia No 24
Present case 43/M C6–T1 Radicular pain 4 Iso + Hypo GTR Incomplete recovery No 14

M male, F female, Gado gadolinium, NA not available, + enhancement after gadolinium infusion, hypo hypointense, iso isointense, GTR gross total resection