Theoretical (red lines) and estimated pulse wave speed
with distance in 1 cm increments from the aortic root
(x=0) to the end of the left anterior tibial artery,
through the same segments as in Fig.
3. Estimated values calculated using the
PU-loop, -loop, QA-loop and sum-of-squares () methods with the pulse waveforms from the (a,b) purely elastic and
(c,d) visco-elastic normal models and the (e,f) well-matched model. Estimated
values using the
method are not shown, since they cannot be distinguished from the theoretical
values in the scale of the figures. Note the different scales of
c in the left and right figures, and the different
theoretical values for the normal and well-matched models. (For interpretation
of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the
web version of this article.)