Surface-rendered view of the segmented central-chest lymph nodes for human MDCT chest scans: a 20349_3_3 (31 nodes), which contains three nodes in station 1–2, two in station 3, eleven in station 4, one in station 5, seven in station 6, two in station 7, zero in station 8, one in station 9, four in station 10–11, and zero in station 12–14. b 20349_3_27 (35 nodes), which contains three nodes in station 1–2, two in station 3, seventeen in station 4, three in station 5, one in station 6, one in station 7, three in station 8, zero in station 9, four in station 10–11, and one in station 12–14; scan consists of 752, 512 × 512 transverse-plane sections and has resolution Δx = Δy = 0.67 mm and Δz = 0.5 mm. The segmented lymph nodes (blobs outside the airway tree) are displayed in colors derived from the TNM system’s color codes, per Fig. 1