Figure 9.
Evolutionary trajectories for Auguritidae and Pinacitidae and their Akaike weights for three evolutionary models. Standardized evolutionary trajectories of WSC, WER, UWI, and IZR and raw evolutionary trajectories of Dmx, FCI, NLb, and OLb for auguritids and pinacitids. The three tested evolutionary models are directed trends (GRW, general random walk), random trends (URW, unbiased random walk), and stasis (for details of the method, see text and [116]. Relative Akaike weights for models with more than minimal support are in bold, otherwise in italic. The most supported trends are those shared by both families (UWI, Dmx, and NLb) and characterize the parallel evolution of the two studied Devonian ammonoid lineages. For auguritids, the evolutionary changes for UWI initially weakly support the hypothesis of a directed trend, but if the outlier taxon (Weyeroceras angustus) is removed, this hypothesis is significantly supported (values in brackets).