Figure 2.
Larger and partially gradual deficits of CREBαΔ and CREBcomp mutants in the water maze task with two trials per day and a 1-min intertrial interval. (A) The three groups show aquisition of the task ranked according to gene dosage (path averaged over blocks of two trials, P < 0.017). CREBcomp mice have longer paths than wild types (P < 0.01), but CREBαΔ mice are statistically indistinguishable from wild types. (B) The three groups differ with respect to the percent of time spent within 22 cm of the pool wall (P < 0.002). CREBcomp mice (P < 0.0015) as well as CREBαΔ (P < 0.05) spend more time next to the wall than wild types. (C) Comparison of percent time spent in the trained vs. adjacent left and right quadrants during the 60 sec probe trial. CREBαΔ mice show statistically the same preference for the trained quadrants as wild types. Unlike wild types, CREBcomp mice do not show a preference for the trained quadrant (P < 0.01). (D) Comparison of number of crossings over the trained goal vs. left and right control annulus during the probe trial. CREBαΔ have the same preference for the trained annulus as wild types. CREBcomp mice show overall fewer annulus crossings than wild types (P < 0.015) but are indistinguishable with respect to preference for the trained annulus. (See Fig. 1 for symbols.)