Figure 2.
Location of recorded cells in the LA nucleus. Scheme of three coronal sections arranged from rostral (left) to caudal (right). Dots indicate the location of cells recorded in conditioning experiments. (○) Cells recorded in experiments where tones were presented without US to determine whether their tone responses habituated. The location of recorded cells was determined from thionin-stained coronal sections, by combining micrometric readings with the placement of electrolytic lesions (see Materials and Methods for details). (BL) Basolateral nucleus of the amygdala; (BM) basomedial nucleus of the amygdala; (CE) central nucleus of the amygdala; (CL) claustrum; (GP) globus pallidus; (LA) lateral nucleus of the amygdala; (PU) putamen; (rh) rhinal sulcus. Bar, 2 mm.