Figure 3.
MDGA2 is expressed on the surface of commissural interneurons and dorsal root ganglia neurons. (A-C) Immunolabelling of dissociated dorsal commissural axons. Cultured dorsal commissural neurons express MDGA2 (A,A') as well as the dorsal commissural marker axonin-1 (B,B') on their surface. The position of the cell body is indicated by the asterisk. The growth cone as well as the axonal shaft (A',B') are strongly labelled in both cases whereas a control staining with the secondary antibody only (C') did not yield any labelling. (A',B') Higher magnification images of the axon shaft and growth cone of the neuron seen in (A,B), whereas (C) shows a phase contrast image of the neuron stained with the secondary antibody only (C'). (D,E) Immunolabelling of sensory neurons in culture. While immunostaining using MDGA2 peptide antibodies results in bright labelling of sensory growth cones (D, arrowheads), neuronal shafts are less intensely labelled. (E) Higher magnification image of a sensory growth cone. Note that not only the central part of the growth cone is stained with MDGA2 antibodies but also the extending filopodia. Scale bars: 10 μm in (A-C,E); 100 μm in (D). (F) Western blot analysis of DRG extracts using MDGA2 peptide antibodies. A band of around 135 kDa can be seen in protein extracts from stage 30 DRGs separated by SDS-PAGE and visualized using MDGA2 peptide antibodies.