Figure 2.
Duration of evoked reverberations in small networks with random synaptic connectivity. (A) Distribution of neuron counts in small networks of cultured neurons in which reverberation experiments were typically performed. (B) Duration of evoked reverberatory activity in cultured networks increases with increasing network size (p < 0.1). However, duration varies greatly even for networks of similar size (r2 < 0.1). (C) Duration of reverberatory activity in model networks versus network size for a simple binomial connectivity rule with constant connection probability p. Scatter plot shows outcomes of several independent realizations, and solid line is the average over 20 realizations. Duration depends more strongly on network size in simulation (C) than in cultured networks (B) and is more variable, suggesting that this simple connectivity model cannot account for the data. (D) Rate of PSC cluster generation in cultured networks versus the network size. (E) Rate of PSC cluster generation in model networks versus the network size.