Figure 5.
Ct-piwi2 expression during larval development. All animals are a ventral view with anterior to the left. Abbreviations: br, brain; fg, foregut; mb, mesodermal bands; pgz, posterior growth zone. (A) Stage 5 larva showing Ct-piwi2 expression in the brain, foregut, and mesodermal bands. (B) Stage 6 larva shows expression in the two asymmetrical ventro-lateral cell clusters (arrows), brain, foregut, mesodermal bands, and posterior growth zone. (C) Expression is in the two asymmetrical ventro-lateral cell clusters (arrows), foregut, and posterior growth zone an early stage 7 larva. Expression in the brain and mesodermal segments has diminished at this stage. Scale bar, 50 μm for all panels.