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Table 1.

Mean values (or range of values) of effective renal plasma flow (ERPF), effective renal blood flow (ERBF), glomerular filtration rate (GFR), filtration fraction (FF), diuresis, urine osmolality (Uosm) in some species of livestock. GFR - (ml/min/m2) or *(ml/min/kg body weight).

ERPF (ml/min/m2) ERBF (ml/min/m2) GFR (ml/min/m2) or *(ml/min/kg bw) FF (%) Uosm (mmol/kg H2O) Numbers of animals Age of animals References
goats 490 650 55 10 1100 12 Vogel [63]
650 51 10 1100 12 Ketz [29]
goat kids 1.69-3.08* 8 8-30 days old Drzezdzon et al. [18]
sheep 490 58 12 Vogel [63]
1.1-2.3* 89 female 19 male Bickhardt and Dungelhoef [9]
cattle 472 73 >1100 12 Ketz [29]
70 Boehnecke and Tiews [8]
calves 1.75-3.32* 10 1-14 days old Skrzypczak [53]
230-289 359-455 36.5-47.8 14-19 10 female 1-7 days old Skrzypczak [49]
20 Dalton [16]
14-24 12 Ketz [29]
326 2-3 days old Hartmann et al. [1987]
379 4-20 days old Hartmann et al. [24]
351 2.31* 23 1-6 weeks old Wanner et al. [60]
pigs <1100 Vogel [63]