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Table 1.

Number of new intramammary infections (IMIs) over the dry period and at calving in udder quarters of untreated cows (negative control) and of cows treated with a dry cow antibiotic (positive control), teat seal, or teat seal plus antibiotic (Adapted from [33])

Experimental group Negative control Positive control Teat seal Teat seal + antibiotic
Total quarters treated 528 528 505 505

New dry period clinical IMIs 18 2* 1* 2*

New IMIs at calving 67 12* 12* 8*

Total new IMIs 85 14* 13* 10*

% of quarters infected 16.1 2.7* 2.5* 2.0*

*The difference between any of the three treated groups and the negative control group was significant (p < 0.01) in all cases.