Structural (a) and magnetic properties (b) of 500 nm Ge1−xMnxTe layers on BaF2 (1 1 1) with xMn=30% grown at substrate temperatures of Ts=300, 280 and 260 °C with excess Te flux of JTe=0.3 ML/s and of Ts=260 °C with JTe=0.1 ML/s (red, purple, blue and black lines, respectively). Panel (a) shows high resolution X-ray diffraction scans along the [1 1 1] growth directions from the (1 1 1) to (3 3 3) Bragg reflection. Panel (b) shows the temperature dependent remanent magnetization M(T) of the samples measured at zero external field Hext after 1 T field cooling to 4 K. The insert displays the corresponding hysteresis loops recorded at 4 K. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)