A-C) ART affects estrone levels in the placenta and fetal livers. D-F) ART raises estradiol in the placenta and fetal livers. * = P < 0.05, ** = P < 0.01, *** = P < 0.001 vs. normal reproduction except where indicated by a line, then significance is between indicated bars. Bars are means ± SD for maternal livers, n = 3 each. Bars are means ± SEM for placentas (n = 20, n = 29 and n = 21 normal reproduction, IVF and ICSI, respectively) and fetal livers (n = 26, n = 35 and n = 25 for normal reproduction, IVF and ICSI, respectively). Where there are less placentas and fetal liver tested for estrogenic hormones than those produced, this was due to sample processing and loss.