Figure 6. Plasma botulinum toxin level after challenge of vaccinated mice.
Groups of mice (three mice per group) were immunized and boosted with RABV-HC50/A, RABV-HC50/A and alum, recombinant HC50/A and alum or left untreated. The mice were challenged one week after the boost by the intravenous route with 5 ng botulinum neurotoxin (103 mouse LD50), and blood was collected by retro-orbital bleeding at the indicated time points after the challenge. The figure shows levels of botulinum toxin detectable in plasma pools from mice vaccinated with RABV-HC50/A,■--■; RABV-HC50/A+alum◆--◆; HC50/A and alum, ▲--▲; and untreated mice, ●--●.