Overexpression of Xfz3 promotes ectopic expression of genes regulating
eye development. A whole-mount in situ hybridization
analysis was made of stage 14 embryos (a–f)
that were either uninjected (a, c, and
e) or Xfz3 injected (b, d,
and f) and then labeled for Xpax6
(a and b), Xrx (c and
d), or Xotx2 expression (e and
f). Arrows indicate modest expansion of Xrx or
Xotx2 expression (d and f). Stage
28 embryos (g–l) are either uninjected
(g, i, and k) or Xfz3
injected (h, j, and l) and
then labeled for Xpax6 (g and h), Xrx
(i and j), or Xotx2 expression
(k and l). Arrows indicate ectopic
expression in injected embryos (h, j, and
l). β-Galactosidase (sky blue) marks the regions of
the embryo derived from the injected blastomere.