Figure 4. Increase in CD11b+ cells in IRI is dependent on type I NKT cells and diminished by activation of type II NKT cells.
Flow cytometric analysis of indicated cell populations (depicted as bar graphs in % (left panels) and absolute numbers (right panels)) among MNCs or leukocytes (for CD11b+ cells) from cephalad liver lobes following 90 min of ischemia and 6 hrs of reperfusion (IRI) or sham surgery in WT or Jα18−/− mice (3–5 mice/group). Data from WT mice treated with sulfatide (20 µg /mouse i.p.) 3 hrs prior to surgeries (2–3 mice/group) (Sulfatide). Values are mean ± SEM. * p < 0.05. n.d. = not done.