Table 2.
Predicted mean annual medical expenditures (U.S. $) in 2007 for U.S. youth by diabetes status and treatment mode*
Diabetes status and treatment mode | Expenditure models |
Total | Outpatient | Inpatient | Drug | |
Diabetes vs. without diabetes† | ||||
With diabetes | 9,061 (135) | 3,939 (59) | 1,628 (99) | 3,505 (45) |
Without diabetes | 1,468 (29) | 969 (21) | 222 (16) | 277 (6) |
Excess: diabetes | 7,593 (138) | 2,970 (63) | 1,406 (89) | 3,228 (45) |
Ratio | 6.2 | 4.1 | 7.3 | 12.7 |
ITDM vs. NITDM‡ | ||||
ITDM | 9,333 (132) | 3,997 (57) | 1,688 (89) | 3,629 (44) |
NITDM | 5,683 (487) | 3,300 (287) | 976 (244) | 1,492 (150) |
Excess: ITDM | 3,650 (509) | 697 (295) | 712 (256) | 2,137 (157) |
Ratio | 1.6 | 1.2 | 1.7 | 2.4 |
*All excess expenditures are statistically significant (P < 0.05). Values in parentheses are bootstrap SE using 1,000 replications. Because of separate estimations of component models and rounding of values, the sum of predicted medical expenditures across the components do not necessarily sum to total expenditures.
†Covariates in all models are: health plan (PPO vs. non-PPO) and presence of asthma.
‡Covariates in all models are: age, sex, census region, residence, health plan, and presence of asthma. Reference groups were as follows: boys, northeast region, rural residence, PPO health plan, and without asthma.